The Colón Theater depends on the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, it has approximately 1200 permanent employees, that is, permanent ones, who develop their entire careers within it.
Just over a third are artistic, a third are technical, and another third are from ancillary and administrative services.
Since the autarky law was passed, the Colón Theater has incorporated a board of 5 directors, each with a cabinet floor and a budget for it. Salaries come from one item while the production budget and contracts from another.
The budget of the Teatro Colón is very important because its productions must have the same level as that of the first theaters in the world, in addition, it can add resources from advertising, room rentals or events, and guided tours.
When the situation presents some variation in the values of the currencies, the theater, if it is not foreseen, requests a reinforcement of the game that is traditionally granted. The management of resources has a political component and the directors they defend international contracts that give the public and abroad an image of great international theater. Political efforts are usually respectful of the exorbitant differences that sometimes result from contracts in relation to salaries, but this characteristic has been tolerated except in times when it has been excessive, given outsourcing to the service of the benefit of an executive who received returns from managers or artists.
The criterion prevailed for many years that, to come to Buenos Aires, you must pay more than in the whole world, which was proven to be wrong in several steps that, by necessity u honesty, they defended public resources in an efficient and austere way.
Each year's budget must be defended before the legislature, which is ultimately the one who approves it.
Until 2005, the conduction was made up of:
General and Artistic Director
Administrative Director
Technical director
Director of studies
Headquarters of each section.
Personnel director
60 years ago, the artistic bodies had almost the same number of members and the administrative bodies were only 4.
Salaries were paid in the EATC and the hierarchies were clear, The concertmaster was the most respected figure in the artistic bodies and the salary scales or grids were referenced to this figure, with his salary being 100%, then the soloists at 92% and so the others proportionally.
Relations were similar in the world and they continue to be, although in Argentina, since the 2001 crisis , Negotiations for lump sums to favor those in the worst working conditions, such as lower wages, flatten relationships and generate inequalities due to expenses that only orchestra teachers assume.
During the management of D. Caballo, the concept of antiquity that is now discussed as a career was lost, but which, in all orchestras in the world, usually encompasses a difference since the experience of the orchestral musician is what achieves that the production be more efficient and of better quality, that experience is recognized as in teaching.
The specificities of orchestral musicians are usually unknown but when time is invested and explained well, officials cannot help but understand that the effort of an orchestral musician is not the same as that of a technician or clerk.
The entry of musicians to the orchestra is done through very demanding international competitions, and for this, they must prepare by investing in training and very expensive materials. There is no deans working from Tuesday to Sunday, on Mondays you must study at home especially if you have an exhibition position.
availability includes night tasks but weekend or night work is not recognized.
A bassoon can cost $ 50,000, quality stringed instruments can cost over $ 100,000.
The supplies are not produced in Argentina, so in addition to being expensive, they cost twice as much when they arrive if they are not obtained in some other way or are brought by an individual.
Ignorant discussions then faced by intolerant and resentful delegations where the number of delegates per section does not even reflect the existing regulations, incline the power of force towards the non-artistic sectors.
The union leaders find in the conformation of the delegations a problem that they cannot solve because, at the same time as the proposals of the non-artistic ones are unfair, they have a greater number of members because the musicians were never benefited by the union policies. As the years went by, they retired, leaving spaces for discussion empty and the voice of the one who shouted loudest prevailed and delighted in the speech of equality for all, while the only ones who invest and assume expenses for work materials are the musicians of orchestra.
Non-artists do not recognize, (mixture of ignorance and resentment,) the work of the musician developed outside of their working hours.
Here is an example: a violinist must learn a score after hours, from a day for the other.
Musicians alone must invest "obligatorily" in instruments, maintenance,
replacement and supplies. In no public activity this happens.
In the constitution, public employment laws, 471 that regulates employment in the GCBA, collective bargaining agreements and other documented international sources, ensure equal conditions for workers. The regulations of the Teatro Colón require musicians to provide their instrument in conditions. Today, symphonic musicians pay or invest more than they charge.
The orchestras, as in the whole world, were ahead of the choreographers and dancers. Today there are choreographers who earn more than a violin, cello, viola or row bass, because they achieved a career at age 15 that orchestral musicians have been denied to date.
In different administrations, salary grids were established where there was a relationship between the categories of artists and other sectors, but although a second or main technical manager of technical areas or others charged the same as the soloists and alternates of the orchestras, only the musicians had the obligation to contribute their instrument, maintain it, replace it and pay for their inputs.
When salaries ranged from $ 2,500 to $ 3,500, setting aside $ 500 to $ 1,000 was possible, as well as being able to do other after-hours jobs or teach classes. Always other activities allowed the Colón orchestra musician to save for his materials since the requirement requires the highest quality materials (which must be imported) not to mention that there are instruments that cost the value of a department.
Over time, the policy was incorporating personnel in non- artistic areas that, in addition, allowed the different delegates to incorporate their children, wives or siblings. These do not compete except in closed contests and the union guarantees their access.
In the case of artists, this is not possible, because the contests are open and have been increasingly difficult and demanding.
The orchestras are the only ones that do not have clauses that favor national artists, counting for 10 years with an HR department that convinced the directors that in this way access to the best musicians was guaranteed, but in In practice, positions were lost by people who came to test without intention to stay, or strangers without references whose behaviors were problematic, obscuring work climates.
In no orchestra in the world this situation is reproduced.
International juries demand levels, sounds, instruments and inputs of international level, but the musician does not have commensurate income, with which the policy salary has left the Argentine musician at a total disadvantage against foreigners . But still, the foreign musician who decides to compete and enters and must rent and move to another city as well it is unsustainable, so many leave and those who stay suffer emotionally like the nationals the institutional mistreatment.
I nformation distorted it reaches the dir. General in relation to the behaviors of professionals, achieving after a while the bad predisposition of the directors believing that musicians don't want work or they are hostile to its management .
RESPONSIBLE: the HR director.
These behaviors were not seen during management from the former personnel director Cristina Pace , who was not exactly a charismatic person or friendly but knew about the activity, yeah how severe it was at the moment to put things in their place, do not argued obvious and kept I respect and balance during his 30 years in office.
Nor of driving union by Norberto Canela, who was nicknamed the madman, shoe store manager with his temperament, which towards numbers in the theater with criteria effective Y defended the terms salary of the concertmaster why
I knew that was undisputed everyone already marked a reference positive.
Currently no delegate technical auxiliary services made only one number although they preach know how to do them, they have only resisted the works of Merenzon who volunteered to make theirs. T he area administrative has delegates who remain of course they are deficient when doing numbers or do they just pursue their personal gain and stop the musicians with just one justification , the resentment of what they believe they are benefits; but on Saturdays and Sundays they rest and on business days after their 6 business hours too, while the musicians work from Tuesday to Sunday without family outings or rest when they come repertoires difficult or demanding directors.
Some specialists indicate that the symphonic musician is the second most stressful activity in the world after from pilot of airplanes. Only someone who is unaware of the musician's work makes the complaints that are heard from delegates and HR directors.
An ignorant man does more harm than an evil deliberate.
and against one who is both, there is no defense
For 8 years, Merenzon told the 20 delegates from other sectors that only the concertmaster should be discussed and she would defend the historical hooks, which was always discussed by the artists, but she did not accept that they resist the expenses that the musicians have and the others sectors no.
There was no way they would accept, so it was that in 2018 when the direction of the Theater, the SUTECBA and the GCBA agreed that the orchestras begin to negotiate their career, because Merenzon had the advanced works that he only had to update, a wave of violence, having to denounce that the delegates stated that if it continued, they would hammer it down, which was repudiated by the secretaries of SUTECBA who urged an agreement.
The orchestras decided to advance as agreed by all and the slander, shouting, threats and isolation were constant. The main bullies, who, in the orchestras and while Merenzon was negotiating, said, get rid of this crazy woman , an anti-union attitude condemned by any union. Others who play an intern at SUTECBA, began to gather resentful musicians who later repeated the same speech grotesquely with arguments Like that Merenzon's negotiation is not such, that it will not prosper, that she works for the management, that if they run it, all together they would get a 200% increase, in reference to the speech of the administrative delegates who said they knew where it would come from the money.
Lies and more lies were confirmed by the Director of HR and attempted a negotiation decided by MV Alcaraz, reconciled by her with the secretaries of the Guild and the HR department of GCBA.
In December 2019 Alcaraz he got the resources for the career of the orchestra teachers and an advance for everyone else of 10 or 15% while they negotiated their own career.
An excellent management that was seen frustrated by the violent people who took out posters without the endorsement of SUTECBA and went out to slander on the street before the press without the control of the union delegate Merenzon, who had already been lynched and isolated.
A discussion permanent of ignorant i s compare working hours, pretending that the musician orchestral works 6 hours a day when rehearsals are typified in 3 hours and then add hours of study of music in its address since the theater does not count with chord spaces. An elite musician does not study less than 4-5 hours a day if you have solo or leadership responsibilities . Every week the repertoire changes and the parts are, the Mayori to the sometimes lengthy and difficult, but must come to the first rehearsal with the material studied and not make mistakes. This obviousness, has been resisted by ignorance and resentment growing, causing tensions and violence between the different groups of the theater.
Once again, the responsibility of being judicious and knowing the subject falls on the HR department, which for 10 years has been dedicated to provoking, mistreating, neglecting and quieting the few rights acquired by orchestra teachers, neglecting the justice of their claims and giving entity to the subversion of values.
Why? Out of ignorance and resentment and because he is in charge of almost 100 administrative workers who intend to charge the same as the artist without having your preparation nor expose in the stage much less without having an instrument to maintain .
No country the world has the labor relations of the EATC since the director joined of HR ES , proof of them is that since she held that position, 5 directors changed, the decline in working conditions was permanent, no director managed to resolve them and she imposed unworthy conditions taking advantage of weaknesses that the musicians presented and for 10 years the promise of a career that the GCBA compromised but that she took care to lock.
In 2018, the agreement not to force entrants to resign from their previous jobs was broken, since law 471 provides for the possibility of exceptions that can be granted by the executive (director of the Theater) and that they were more than founded on the basis that the Theater cannot provide the resources to maintain the instruments.
For two decades this difficulty was addressed and the consideration of the human being and artistic interest prevailed, that is, other works subsidized the Theater so that the musicians could maintain their operating expenses, all at the cost of the psychophysical exhaustion of the artists who had to spend the day studying and rehearsing in two or more orchestras.
But when the last negotiations began and Merenzon stood firm and his investigations were undisputed, violence and psychological harassment towards artists and the complicity of areas that did not show efficiency or invested resources formulating subverted proposals worsened.
Today an administrator or technician yells at a multi-award-winning artist with 40 years of experience, 10 albums recorded and awards abroad, without HR intervening in the fact ensuring impunity, drafting complaints and slandering with mendacious information that brings the general direction.
What does HR do? Any.
What does the Teatro Colón do?
Since 2007 it has been claimed without obtaining answers and when the negotiations reached their final point were sabotaged by the opposition sectors and the leadership of HR
Today it is denounced of constraints , poor performance of public officials, treason of agreements without prior notice, violation of the law of associations guilds negotiating against of the delegates who demand justice and have proven with hard data the veracity of their arguments.
The delegates trade unions respected hierarchies and at the moment to negotiate they always lined up behind of the figure of the concertmaster. Over the years, the differences in preparation , training and capabilities they started to feel and the union delegates defended their perks slowing down the conditions work of musicians .
In 2010, the delegation was in charge of A. Merenzon for the OFBA and R. Valle for the OETC, while of the other sectors 22 thin, mostly men, do not respond to a logic proportional. This resulted in that when voting or shouting, the disproportion of forces imposed subverted criteria.
They negotiated fixed sums that achataron categories, priority was given to categories lower and resisted the need for the musicians' expenses were covered .
The nearly 1000 employees did not give an answer coherent, concrete and feasible in discussions to the next question.
1- Does it seem fair that in relationship win equal to an orchestral musician but that their net salary remains in full as long as than the musician you have a 40%, 10% or as in the present, if you kept your instruments I would replace it when necessary and buy supplies according to the requirement, you must put your own money above your salary resources if you are lucky enough to have them to cover your materials?
Answer: no, the materials should provide them the theater knowingly that that was impossible to implement, it is like asking an orthopedist orthopedic shoes for 223 people. In the world this it works otherwise and the expenses are recognized.
What happened since 2019 could never happen without collusion of a sector of the management, the union delegation and musicians who negotiated their perks and created a hostile climate on purpose to stop the negotiation .
Since 2007, it has been warned on several occasions that the salary deterioration complicated the activity, especially due to the high cost of dollarized materials that the musicians of the Philharmonic and Stable orchestras need and must contribute, assuming the costs of their own money. other orchestras of the country and the world already had a recognition reflected in different ways.
The administrative structure of the EATC foresees a salary pyramid whose head is the concertmaster at 100% and soloists and technical heads and of other areas at 92%, solo alternates and second heads at 787% and so on until reaching 44% of the last salary category. that just entered.
In the technical and administrative sections they rise over the years and improve their categories and salaries, in the artistic sections a contrabassoon, an English horn, a bass clarinet, or piccolo flute is not possible. As Merenzon expresses in his report, he can never be a concertmaster (cat w05) who is the first violin responsible for the string sections. He will not even be able to have the category of soloist (w04) ever, that is, his entire career will not see vertical development because it does not exist growth by structure will always be (w03) .
Seniority was lost in the past in negotiations that are irrelevant, and that is why the administrative career that every worker in the city of Buenos Aires already has repairs the current inequities and aberrations in relations among the musicians more exposed or with the other sectors because the only ones who must contribute their materials are they
Head of Government of the GCBA
Horacio RodrÃguez Larreta
With all due respect and giving the benefit of doubt
It is possible that have officials corrupt, mythological , abusive and traitorous and do not know it ?.
Doesn't it worry you that an important problem has not been solved for 14 years?
A negotiation that they say would be serious but it was interrupted 3 times having the most efficient cadres negotiating,
that the musicians did not want to interrupt and continue to claim and wait peacefully ?
What about the climbers, are they smarter to fool such obviousness?
Numbers are numbers, when the truth comes out there is no more to manipulate.
If someone invests and spends $ 884 and earns $ 650 what is the rational explanation that justifies it?
Should they sell something every month or keep getting into debt to go up personally to the Colon Theater,
while they wait for the government and the union (Merenzon) to close this race.
Do you know that there is workplace and gender harassment at the Teatro Colón
For years without abatement, rather it intensifies without resolving any complaint?
Don't you care what 14 years of abuse have accomplished?
These things never happened before 2007
Why don't they comply?
anonymous memes circulating at the EATC
Do they wait for a misfortune to act? ,
they should only
In the best of cases, if you are uninformed, those who have hidden it will not do you any favors.
Nor does it demonstrate efficient driving.
How a musician of the OFBA could assault a respected representative, apologize in civil justice, then deny them in front of all colleagues with the minutes in view, violate union laws negotiating behind the back of the legitimate union representative, harassing a director until she resigns , and appear on the list of soloists hired by the Colon Theater in 2021 and keep saying what it is representative of the orchestra, without the support of a theater manager?